all postcodes in L14 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L14 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L14 3LA 36 0 53.408725 -2.896675
L14 3LB 1 1 53.411151 -2.897989
L14 3LD 3 0 53.410487 -2.896666
L14 3LE 27 0 53.409099 -2.899571
L14 3LF 30 0 53.409982 -2.895708
L14 3LG 22 0 53.40875 -2.894569
L14 3LH 97 0 53.407912 -2.894852
L14 3LJ 28 0 53.40952 -2.894946
L14 3LL 30 0 53.409835 -2.894863
L14 3LN 51 0 53.408057 -2.897021
L14 3LP 31 0 53.407769 -2.899452
L14 3LQ 26 0 53.409064 -2.894576
L14 3LR 3 1 53.408508 -2.89327
L14 3LS 12 0 53.407745 -2.893059
L14 3LT 14 1 53.407381 -2.893683
L14 3LU 42 0 53.407916 -2.897876
L14 3LW 48 0 53.408035 -2.897517
L14 3LX 27 0 53.408518 -2.900326
L14 3LY 34 0 53.408083 -2.898346
L14 3LZ 20 0 53.408431 -2.899842